Our goal is to offer first-class legal services that are of value to you. We are always transparent and straightforward with you. Therefore, where possible in relation to the legal service we provide, we will tell you the expected time scale and estimate the cost of the service.
Generally, our hourly rate ranges from CZK 2,200 to CZK 3,000 excluding VAT. Billing for services is usually done monthly. We send each client a detailed description of the activities in the form of a timesheet together with the invoice. As we are VAT payers, we charge VAT on any amount that is subject to this taxation.
A higher hourly rate will be applied especially in the case of work in English, for more complex problems or for legal services with an international scope. If we agree on long-term cooperation, we are able to offer discounted rates. Depending on the type of legal service, we can also agree on a fixed amount or a success fee.
With us, you do not pay for every commenced hour, but only for the actual time spent on your matter. As we have probably dealt with a matter similar to yours before, we trust that our advice will be provided efficiently and to your maximum satisfaction. As a result, we will usually be able to resolve your legal problem more quickly and efficiently than, for example, a solicitor with half the hourly rate but who spends more than twice as much time on the matter.