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Whenever you need advice in the world of law, we are here for you.

Why To Trust Us?

We care about your success

Whether you are an international corporation, a small company, a public entity or an individual, you can always rely on us. We stick to the motto that we are as successful as our clients are successful and satisfied.

We cover your back

We always provide legal advice without compromise, clearly, on time and with maximum commitment. We treat each client's case as our own. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, discretion and the quality of our work. We seek sophisticated legal solutions for you.

You will always be one step ahead with us

We are not only your legal support, but above all your partner. We want to understand the legal problem in all its contexts. This enables us to better know our client's needs, anticipate potential legal risks and at the same time suggest how best to resolve or avoid them.

Our experience is your added value

With our international and local experience, you can be sure you have made the right choice. You can rest assured that we never relent in our goal to provide the best tailored legal solutions for specific clients and situations.

Need a professional legal advice?
fotografie Milana Frice

About Us

At our law firm, we have an understanding of our clients' businesses and are able to promote their interests in a given business environment. We also view individual cases in an economic and tax context in order to propose not only a purely legal solution, but also a "pro-business" solution. At the same time, we cooperate with selected tax advisors, accountants, notaries and translators to ensure that the client benefits as much as possible and receives a full and professional service. All advice, including the preparation of contractual documents, is provided in Czech and English as standard.

What clients said about us

I have been working with Mr. Fric for over 10 years and I have always appreciated his legal knowledge, experience, ability to think one step ahead and explain everything clearly. I have always been extremely satisfied with the work and the approach.

We have been working with Mr. Fric's law firm for many years. After a long search for a quality attorney, we found in him the legal support and services we need. In the meantime, we had many lawyers, but sooner or later, each one began to stretch his reaction time disproportionately and most of them gradually stopped communicating. His reaction time is still unbelievable years later. He does big things for us from buying stock companies or taking over small enterprises to routine contract reviews and real estate sales. I can't imagine a better attorney for our company.

We have only the best experience with the high professionalism of the Milan Fric Law Firm in providing the necessary legal support to all of our retirement homes. It is obvious that law is his passion. I am very happy that we have an attorney who can always be relied on and who comes up with an original solution every time. We very much appreciate our cooperation.

Since the decision to buy a property was a step into the unknown for us, we turned to Milan. It was the absolute best choice! He guided us through the entire process, from booking the property to providing us with escrow. He drafted all the purchase documents for us and negotiated them with the seller so that we could sign them without worry. But most of all, he made us feel confident that he was fighting for us. When we are again in a situation where we need legal advice, there is no other choice for us than Mgr. Fric. Thank you!

Great services! Milan helped me with legal matters of my transfer from Zenit St. Petersburg to SK Slavia Prague, including the preparation and negotiation of my professional football contract with the club. Everything went smooth and well!

Mgr. Fric has been our legal advisor for several years. He is able to guide us through even the more complex areas of law in a non-violent, simple and understandable way. Even in tense situations with difficult topics, he remains calm and decisive. In retrospect, I think we should have used his services earlier.



Měsíčník Právní rádce vyhlásil výsledky třetího ročníku právnického ocenění Pro bono & CSR 2018. Odborná porota v čele s předsedou Nejvyššího soudu, ministrem zdravotnictví a zástupci notářů, státních zástupců, soudců či podnikových právníků udělila pět cen.

Smlouvy na nové byty nahrávají developerům. Zákazníkům hrozí vysokými sankcemi i změnami bytů

Smlouvy, které developerské společnosti uzavírají se svými zákazníky, jsou plné nástrah. Byty kupované tzv. "z papíru", tedy takové, které ještě nestojí, se mohou v průběhu stavby měnit. Zmizet může třeba i terasa. Byt se také může oproti původním plánům i o několik metrů zmenšit, aniž by to developer zohlednil v ceně. Zákazníci tak přicházejí o statisíce.

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